Family Wealth - a Formula for Financial Freedom

The app is designed to lift you from financial poverty to financial freedom. The app considers your monthly regular expenses, assets, liabilities, income and cashflow, and guides you to maintain a threshold of respective expendinture. It can perform a simulation of future monthly expense and alerts you to regulate the expense as per your desire goal. The simulation also display when you become rich and when will you be able to jump to next stage of financial status

The app is under development process. Please contact us to get notified whenever the application gets online

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Family Routine - Live a Healthy Life

The concept of the Family Routine app is to build efficiency in routine and goal setting. The app allows you to build a routine and tick it once the routine task is initiated. This helps to track the efficiency of a person in a day. Alongside with routine, It allows you to set goals as per day, week, month, year and lifetime. The goals can be converted to a milestone towards the one step above period (i.e. day's milestone for a week and week's milestone for a month), such that achievable small stepping goals can be designed. Furthermore, the goal can be associated with a routine to further build quantifiable analytics for your day time efficiency.

The app is strict on routine such you can only tick a task when the time approaches (i.e ticking a routine is enabled one hour before it is scheduled and disabled after thirty minutes). Moreover, the family feature helps you to keep track of your family members routine as peer monitoring improves efficiency.

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